
Clothes Fixer Near Me - Mend by Mail

Clothes Fixer Near Me

What to do when clothes need fixing but your nearest seamstress is a long way away or you don't have the time to travel into the nearest town? Try a...

Clothes Fixer Near Me

What to do when clothes need fixing but your nearest seamstress is a long way away or you don't have the time to travel into the nearest town? Try a...

It’s official: we’re in demand!

“There’s a whole field in business that needs to grow around repair and reuse and refurbishment” Wise and welcome words from Cat Fletcher of Freegle yesterday on BBC Radio 4’s Gap Finders...

It’s official: we’re in demand!

“There’s a whole field in business that needs to grow around repair and reuse and refurbishment” Wise and welcome words from Cat Fletcher of Freegle yesterday on BBC Radio 4’s Gap Finders...

Going mainstream

Hello world!   It’s been a bit quiet on the socials front recently whilst we’ve been giving our website an upgrade. But now it’s back and better than ever.  Hopefully...

Going mainstream

Hello world!   It’s been a bit quiet on the socials front recently whilst we’ve been giving our website an upgrade. But now it’s back and better than ever.  Hopefully...